14. September 2006 · Comments Off on Solano Avenue Stroll ~ A Success! · Categories: In The News, Thank Yous

We did our first neighborhood fund-raising/volunteer fair this month.
We received a lot of interest and a good amount of donations.
If only we could do these more often!

The Solano Avenue Stroll is a neighborhood street fair. We had a booth with our informational boards as well as flyers and volunteer-sign-up sheets. We offered photographs of wildlife as well as funny squirrel mugs and rainbow-makers in exchange for donations.

We are restructuring our volunteer orientation program to get new people in here as soon as possible and hope to have an orientation up within the next 2 weeks. We also want to post a messag eboard here on our website to encourage group conversation among volunteers. We shall see how this goes… The Message board is posted at: http://yuwr.proboards61.com/

Thank you to all those at the fair who supported us by making a donation and/or signing up on our volunteer sheets.

Thank you to Janie Barnes for initiating our participation.

Thank you to Dr. Alex Devigal, DDS, for sponsoring our booth at the fair.

Thank you to Sasha McGowen, and her friends, who volunteered their time to paint faces to raise donations, and who stayed on with an interest in regular volunteering!

Thank you also to the volunteers who came out to give me a hug, bring me food and drink, and make sure I was able to take bathroom breaks throughout the day 🙂

We are still on the lookout for a fund-raiser / grantwriter to help keep this operation operating.

Also, if you were at the fair and received or newsletter, please sign up and shop at Albertson’s or with eScript. It costs you a few minutes of your time and earns funding for us. Thank you

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