Yggdrasil offers both in classroom education and wildlife encounters at events in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We believe that wildlife centers are important, not only for orphaned and injured wildlife, but also for cities’ human children and adults. We have found that the same kids who come from tough urban environments, open up to a baby animal in need in a way that is heart-warming and one of the sustaining rewards of this job. Our hope is that experiencing compassion, care, and a belief that their efforts can make a difference, will stay with them and guide them throughout their lives, encouraging them to be more compassionate individuals and dedicated environmentalists.
Being introduced to individual wildlife, provides kids a deeper understanding and respect for life and the environment we all live in. They have a better understanding that the world would be an empty place if we continue to allow environmental destruction and species extinction. We believe that when we provide young people with an opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the wonderful creatures that inhabit dwindling wilderness areas in and around cities, they acquire a direct understanding that the solutions to environmental problems are in their very own hands. We believe that this reinforces textbook and classroom education on these vital subjects in ways that will influence this next generation of potential conservationists throughout their lives.
Please contact us (hello@yuwr.org) for custom education opportunities.

California Center for Natural History (formerly Wild Oakland)
Yggdrasil is the proud sponsor of the California Center for Natural History (calnature.org). The California Center for Natural History is dedicated to providing free environmental education to urban adults. Their programs welcome all ages, but are especially focused on adults.
Their ultimate objective is to foster “biophilia”, the instinctive attraction all humans have to living systems. Our hope is that people who attend these walks will make more sustainable choices in life because they develop a greater respect for their local environment.
In a world where over half the population now lives in cities, many adults have very limited knowledge of nature, either of its systems or the flora and fauna that share space with them. Wildness is right here in the city, not just in Yosemite, or other far away places that you need to travel to.