01. March 2006 · Comments Off on Spring Has Sprung….. · Categories: Animal Stories, The Rescue Life

Please watch out for wildlife at this time of year. They are more crazy, with mating on their minds and may not be as watchful for cars or passerbys.

Please DON’T trim your trees unless you are ABSOLUTELY certain there are no squirrel nests in their branches. Babies are born and mother’s are hiding them in nests. This is when we get the most number of orphaned baby squirrels from tree trimming projects. The mothers will NOT leave their nests and may get killed when the branches fall.

IF YOU DO FIND BABY SQUIRRELS, check to make sure their mother is not around, looking for them. If she is, place the nest or babies at the base of a tree near the mother and back away, but watch to make sure no predators get the baby(s).

Baby SquirrelsIF MOTHER IS DEAD or Doesn’t Take back the babies, PLEASE CALL US ASAP. Baby squirrels are difficult to care for and easy to kill with kindness. Please call us so we can help. We can take the babies into our care and you can be as involved as you want to be in their recovery. (510) 421-9897

Thank you for caring about wildlife!

Here are a few pictures of Wildlife we currently have in care so far this spring….


Windblown in the storm. Recovering well…
Opossum Mom

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