10. March 2011 · Comments Off on 2011 So Far… · Categories: Uncategorized

All of our Spring Babies and Winter Refugees are doing great!  Here is a brief update on some of them:


“Miracle Squirrel Boy” was found by Brenda, an Oakland resident, on the side of the road with blood pouring out his ear, unconscious.  When Brenda realized he was still alive she rushed him to the Montclair Vet Hospital, where he was examined and transferred into care with us with low hopes of recovery. For the first 2 days he was comatose. We thought the worst would come. But after 2 days he surprised us all by suddenly sitting up and drinking a bunch of water. Soon he was on the road to total recovery; eating well, able to balance, jump, climb, open nuts, etc. For the last 2 weeks he has been in an outdoor cage. He has made it very clear that he is ready and able to go back out into the wild to enjoy his second chance at a normal life. He had no lasting injuries or handicaps from his accident. Miracle Boy was released on March 13th 2011. He has been seen every day since, jumping through the trees or returning to his nestbox for a nut.


Last week we got in our first fledgling hummingbird. Around this time of year the babies start to test their wings and launch themselves out from their nests. Mama is very watchful and she tracks where her babies land so she can continue to come and feed them, even when they fall into the middle of the sidewalk! This little one fell into the wrong place and was at risk of being eaten by passing dogs, so she was brought into care with us and has been doing great! Yesterday she was moved into a small flight cage where she can learn to hover and eat, and catch fruit flies. Her tail feathers are still pinned but once they grow out, she will go into a larger flight cage with flowering plants, then be released back into the wild, to buzz and flash her delightful iridescent colors through the air.


Valentine is enjoying a larger outdoor pen these days. She is still recovering from injuries she received when she was hit by a car on Valentine’s day.  We hope within a month she will be substantually better and can be returned to her home territory.


Baby Squirrel who came in on March 1st, 2011, is out in foster care with another baby squirrel his age, and doing well. I will post pictures when I have them.


The Baby Opossum who came in on March 1st 2011, from the Oakland Animal Services is growing and doing well!  Picture coming soon


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