01. January 2019 · Comments Off on Happy New Year! Hello 2019. · Categories: Uncategorized

Here are a few of our memorable wildlife patients from 2018.

11. January 2018 · Comments Off on Happy New Year! · Categories: Uncategorized

Please read our End-Of-Year Newsletter:2017-In-A-Nutshell by clicking on this image:

02. May 2017 · Comments Off on Unusual Intakes · Categories: Uncategorized

Recently, we were asked to rescue some unusual-to-us animals – as in, Not Wildlife.
We were moved into action by their need and we have launched a fundraising campaign to get them the care they need. You can read about it here:


We will be posting updates as they come in.

Thank you.

02. April 2017 · Comments Off on Spring has Sprung · Categories: Uncategorized

We are posting updates and photos of our Spring babies on our facebook page:


Please check them out!

24. November 2016 · Comments Off on Thankful · Categories: Uncategorized

Here at Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue, we are thankful.

We are thankful for the emergency response volunteers who disrupt there lives on a regular basis to help wildlife in need.

We are thankful for the caring, loving souls who are our foster-care volunteers who nurture orphaned wildlife babies and then let them go to be wild when the time is right. It is a bittersweet kind of work and we are so grateful to those who take it on even when they know it will be painful.

We are thankful to each and every member of our society who stops there day to try to find help for an animal in trouble – to all those scared voices over the wildlife hotline, thank you. Now more than ever before we need those caring voices.

We are thankful to the individuals and the foundations who see what we do and want to support it even when we are so overloaded with the actual work that we struggle to get the grant applications in on time, or the thank you letters written. Thank you for seeing through the fog of need that surrounds us and taking our hand in support.

We are also thankful to every one of us humans who sees the need to protect wildlife and the environment we all share. We are walking in the shadow of climate change threatening everything we love, but Together we can still make a difference.

We are thankful for the Earth and the unending beauty and strength we find here.

What are you thankful for?

May you all have a loving and caring Thanksgiving.


06. March 2016 · Comments Off on UPCOMING VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION – 3/23/16 6:30pm – 8:30pm · Categories: Uncategorized

On March 23rd 2016, Wednesday, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, we are having a new volunteer orientation at the Rotary Nature Center on Lake Merritt in Oakland, CA. If you have ever been interested in wildlife rehabilitation or have wanted to work with us, please come to this evening event. There, you will learn about our organization and how you can get involved.

We are especially seeking:

  • Fostercare Volunteers for Squirrels, Opossums, and Raccoons
  • Transport Volunteers
  • Cage Builders and Construction People
  • Grantwriters,
  • Wildlife writers for our website
  • Or do you have an idea? Come and tell us how YOU want to be involved!!!

Hope to see you there!



If there are too few RSVPs we may cancel the event

Thank you!

Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue

Volunteer Orientation 2016

Wednesday March 23rd


Rotary Nature center

600 Bellevue Ave
Oakland, California

06. March 2016 · Comments Off on Spring has sprung with a Vengeance! · Categories: Uncategorized

With the recent storms, we have had several wildlife orphans brought to us for care. Here are some pictures:


2 baby squirrels – 5 weeks old. 3 were found drowning in the gutter during a heavy rainstorm in Oakland, CA on March 5th 2016. 1 survived and is doing well.


This baby squirrel was knocked from his nest when he was less than 1 day old. He was laying on the sidewalk being eaten by ants when he was found by a caring family who picked him up, cleaned him off, and called our wildlife center. That was on February 27th 2016


This eyes-closed baby opossum is one of 7 who were saved after their mother was killed by a backyard dog.


29. December 2015 · Comments Off on Our End of Year Newsletter is at last here! · Categories: Uncategorized

Please view our online News Letter here! http://eepurl.com/bLeKkP

24. July 2015 · Comments Off on Event Saturday July 25th @ NOON · Categories: Uncategorized


Urban Wildlife Survival Guide!

Have you ever wondered where the raccoon who raids your trashcan at night spends its days? How about those skunks you smell around? Join Lila Talcott-Travis, director of Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue, as she clues us in on how non-human mammals survive in Oakland.

Learning about the natural history of mammals like opossums, squirrels, deer, and of course, raccoons and skunks gives us insight into where, why, and how these animals live in the city. Turn the next urban wildlife encounter you have into a fantastic field-observation experience!

We’ll meet in front of the Children’s Fairyland entrance on Saturday, July 25 at 12 pm. Bring drinking water, comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, and a hat.

The walk is free, and donations are gratefully accepted!

Deer crossing the Golden Gate bridge! Photo: www.city-data.com

Raccoon photo: www.walkingmountains.org

Trailhead: A Documentary in Oakland

An in-the-works documentary that explores the unique urban to rural trail system that connects Oakland neighborhoods to the Bay Area Ridge Trail and beyond! To learn more, check out the Trailhead website and this Oakland Local article.

Photo: TexeiraPhoto.com

Mapping San Francisco’s Surprising Abundance of Springs and Streams

Thinkwalks founder Joel Pomerantz is publishing an awesome book mapping the hidden water of SF! Check out this Wired article or go to his website, Seep City, for more information.

Photo: Joel Pomerantz/Seep City (top); San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (bottom)

When: Saturday, July 25 @ 12-2 pmWhere:

Meet in front of Children’s Fairyland699 Bellevue Ave, Oakland, CA 94610

Cost: FREE! $5-10 suggested donation.

Contact: Please RSVP to info@wildoakland.org

For more information, visit www.wildoakland.org

Skunk photo: www.oaklandnorth.net

Contact us: info@wildoakland.orgVisit us: www.wildoakland.org

Copyright © 2015 Wild Oakland, All rights reserved.



22. April 2015 · Comments Off on HAPPY EARTH DAY! · Categories: Uncategorized

We have been celebrating Earth Day every day with this busy Spring Wildlife Orphan season.
In honor of Earth Day, we wanted to share with you pictures of the babies we have been caring for this Spring so far…

